Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Was Judge Donald Stephens Black-balled?

When considering why it is so important to have an informed electorate prior to our judicial elections, consider this: Former House Speaker Jim Black was sentenced to federal prison for corruption and was allowed to pay off half of a $1 million fine with the transfer of some land he used to own. Wake County School Board member Ray Margiotta and many others voiced their opposition to the deal and said that Black should have paid off the entire $1 million fine in cash. (Hey, look, the guy had the resources!)

Margiotta especially objected to the deal because Wake County schools, the recipient of the proceeds of the fine got $500,000 in cash and the property, which was assessed (wink, wink) at $613,000. Margiotta and others noted that the Mecklenburg tax valuation was really only about $149,000, and it was discovered that the appraisal had been arranged by Black's family.

Now this is a cool deal. If I ever get in trouble in Wake County Court and I have to pay a fine, I could turn to my collection of antique stereographs valued at anywhere from $500 to $3000, depending on who's buying. So if my fine is $2,500, I won't go out and try to sell the darn things...I'll just turn the collection over to Judge Stephens and simply tell him they are worth $3,000.

Anyway, when Stephens learned of the criticism from Margiotta, the News & Observer's Rob Christensen reports, Stephens was "livid at the remarks and summoned a Wake County School Board attorney to his court room to be chewed out. The judge called the remarks 'idiotic' and noted that he had not been obligated to levy any fine against Black."

King Donald was right. He could have simply told former speaker Black to take is Black-as* home and not to do it again....under the law he has that power. However, having accessed the million dollar fine, King D had an obligation to the people of North Carolina to secure the darn money.

Judge Stephens actually said publicly, that he would have to give serious thought to whether he would levy fines in the future that would benefit the Wake County school system.

WTH? ("H"ell sounds better in polite company). Let me get this straight. You are a judge hired by the people of North Carolina to I-N-T-E-R-P-R-E-T the law. You make a decision that some of the people have questions about and you get sooooo upset at them have the nerve to question your reasoning and decision, that you decide to punish their kids in the future? Now THAT'S Royal reasoning.

Now Margiotta, an Art Pope, Koch Brothers supported Republican, apparently bent on segregated schools in Wake County, was most likely more concerned to make sure that the knife in the chest of the former Democrat Speaker, would be pushed in deeply and turned real sweetly, so his views may have been more myopic than it appeared at first blush.

However, Judge Stephens' threatening comments concerning future fine-based financial support to the children of Wake County, prompted The Wake County School Board to send a letter King Donald Stephens thanking him for devoting fines and forfeitures to the school system.

The letter was signed by school board chairman Kevin Hill and said in part: (read between the lines boy and girls...)

Wake County Public School System is extremely fortunate to have been the recipients of fines and forfeitures granted through the courts. These resources are extremely valuable in supporting the education of our children.

As a Board, we hope you will continue to support education in this manner. The education of our children is one of the most important responsibilities of a community, and commitment such as yours has a positive impact.

Talk about having to kiss the ring... (stop it...I said "ring")

Now the facts. If you read this story or see the video, you may come away believing that the King was simply scolding one of the court jesters, but (and I hate to say this about any republican) Margiotta was right. The land wasn't worth the $613,000 that Stephens had accepted that it was at the time; and the latest revaluations from 2011 show that the property’s value has fallen 3.4 percent to $143,900 since 2003.

So North Carolina, Wake County Senior Resident Superior Court Judge Donald "Wellington Alowishus Beauregard" Stephens von Wake, the 3rd (not his real name. He just seems like he'd have a name like that. LOL) made a mistake that cost the children of North Carolina $356,100. It was a mistake that was brought to his attention prior to him making it. It was mistake that legally cannot be challenged or amended. It was a mistake that he easily could have avoided had he been more of a judge and less of a king.

The citizens of North Carolina shouldn't be afraid to raise questions or criticisms with elected officials and judges shouldn't threaten our children if they are criticized. Stephens wasn't blackballed...he was Black-balled! The Jim Black team threw him a ball and watched with glee as he ran full court for the lay up!

This time, his animus, hubris, ego and myopia cost us money! November 2012...it's time.....

Sunday, December 25, 2011

The Liberals seem to have stolen away all of the once reliable GOP talking points. The Republicans may still TRY to claim that only a GOP president can keep the country safe, but they will spend most of their follow-up explaining away Bin Laden.

They have completely lost the argument on taxes as the country has finally discovered that they are only concerned with rich people's taxes.

Today is Christmas. As a Die-hard Democrat, concerned with gun violence nationwide, the GOP may think I would be tactically unarmed, however, although Santa didn't bring me my AR-15, I did get one this year.

The increased rise of hate groups in response to the election of the first African American president, may have pushed some liberals to "cling to OUR guns and religion," also. Guns and ammo, more like it.

As a liberal, I believe that nobody really should own an assault weapon, but if the feces hits the fan, I don't want to get caught bringing a 9 iron to a gunfight. I've always believed that had Emmett Till been better armed, he coulda whistled at any gal he wanted. Outrage always seems to be enhanced proportionally with the vulnerability of the accused...

Conservative candidates, as well as the once unchallenged hate groups, dismiss the ever changing dynamic of the liberal electorate at their on peril...

Friday, December 23, 2011

Have A Raleigh Jolly Christmas

As the 2012 Judicial Elections begin in earnest, we at Outlier Magazine are taking a look at these judges we have given so much power to rule over our lives. Case in point. Business Court Chief Judge John R. Jolly, Jr. (kinda rolls right off your tongue doesn't it?). I once drove an hour and a half to appear before him for a Monday morning calendar call. When I got there, he proclaimed my case wouldn't be held that day, but later "sometime" during the week. Maybe Wednesday or Thursday. He wasn't sure. (scheduling...hey it happens).

I asked him if he could let me know the day so I could get a hotel room in town the night before or schedule the case for the afternoon of whatever day he chose so I could be sure to be there because I-40 is a bear in the morning and the inclimate, snowy weather was brutal. He simply said "No!"

Well, I arrived the morning of the hearing about 35 minutes late. As I walked into the courtroom, he pronounced loudly and with glee, "You weren't here and I dismissed your motion!" His subsequent order stated the motion was dismissed due to "failure to prosecute!" No mention of my request to be informed of the hearing date early enough to get a hotel the night before or to have a afternoon hearing out of concern for the inclimate weather. Pretty slick there Jolly!

Anyway, Not wanting to jump back on the road during rush hour traffic, I sat and watched the next case. The attorney was from the same law firm as the one I was facing (YMW) although I didn't know this one.

I was initially confused. The YMW attorney was representing a white lady (let's call her Lucy) whose child had been bitten by a dog owned by a black pro se litigant (let's call him Martin). Martin looked like he was some simple under-employed guy and I was left wondering why Lucy had paid all this cash to a high priced law firm to go after some guy that looked like he didn't really have any cash. I later found out that the guy and his brother (no, not brutha...brother)(let's call him Bill) owned their home and Lucy was going after that asset.

First the YMW attorney told the judge that they had served the Complaint on Martin and Bill and although Bill had replied, Martin had not, within the time limit and therefore he was in Default. There was a little problem... They had served the Complaint on Martin and Bill (let's call it "Peterson"), when in fact Martin and Bill were actually named (let's call them Philips).

The attorney and Judge Jolly knew that failure to serve someone under their correct name should have voided the service and the Motion for Default should have been dismissed, so he asked Jolly to rule the improper service was inconsequential. Surprise civil libertarians...Jolly did just that!

Now that Martin could not object to the improper service, they moved to have Jolly rule that the failure to timely respond was fatally consequential. Jolly did and granted the Default. No, no wait....it gets better!

Martin was now in Default. He was going to have to give up some cash. The only question now was "How Much?" So they had a hearing. Lucy was sworn in and testified that Martin and Bill's dog jumped up, bit their little girl's face and she needed medical care and stitches. There wasn't a dry eye in the house.

Then Lucy testified that her husband went over to Martin and Bill's house and said that Martin threatened to whip up on him and called him names yada, yada, yada. She also testified that the child had long-range school issues, had made statements of fear of dogs and continuing medical issues "according to the doctor..."

As I am sitting there, I am wondering when Judge John R. Jolly, Jr. was going to stop the witness from testifying for the hospital, the child and the husband, but the pro se litigant had no clue this was improper and Jolly did nothing to protect his right to cross-exam the non-present testifying witnesses.

We later learned that the child had left Lucy's house, walked across the street, climbed over the fence and was bitten by the dog IN THE ENCLOSED YARD of Martin and Bill. It is doubtful any jury would have given Lucy a dime under these circumstances. Nevertheless, Jolly, not a jury was the trier of fact and Lucy won; and although Bill had responded to the Complaint, it didn't matter because Martin lost the home as a Default judgment.

Now did Jolly do anything illegal? Probably not. But was justice applied fairly in this case? Ask yourself had the parties been different, would the results have been the same? A black child climbs a locked fence of a white couple, the complaint incorrectly misnames the Defendant, the black litigant testifies for her husband, child and the hospital; and in the end the black couple ends up with the white couple's home....in Wake County, North Carolina...Judge John R. Jolly presiding.... Ya think?

The courts are very crowded in Wake County. I propose to streamline the system: Take all of the cases where a litigant is black or pro se or ESPECIALLY BOTH. Have the judge's clerk send them a note that simply says "YOU LOSE! Pay the man!" In the alternative, make the parties pay $20 to file any motion. That way in civil litigation cases that typically end after dozens of motion, the pro se litigant can be outspent and lose that way. What? Oh I forgot. The $20 rule went into effect October 1, 2011.

North Carolina Business Court Chief Judge John R. Jolly, Jr. With Liberty and Justice for Ya'll.....

Friday, December 9, 2011

Judge Donald and the Stephens Dynasty

You couldn't make this stuff up! At the Wake County Courthouse in Raleigh, North Carolina, there sits the Senior Resident Superior Court Judge Donald Stephens. Frequently, depending on rotation, there also sat another judge named Ronald Stephens, the Donald's identical twin brother, who has since given up the judge game. They look just alike. They sound just alike and having appeared before both of them, I noticed something else. Unlike judges like Baddour or John R. Jolly Jr., both the Stephens boys usually took the time to read the entire motion before them, which is kind of a big deal when you've taken the time to cite the case law and include the relevant facts.

Unfortunately, that's where the similarities ended. Judge Donald tends to disregard the law when it suits him and his demeanor over the years has become, well... de Meaner. (separate story #1) (separate story # 2)

He's never met a motion to quash access to information that he didn't love and if it comes down to a choice between the First Amendment and the other side's request to deny you that right...you're out of luck.

Case In Point: In a recent case Judge Ronald (that's Ronald with an "R") heard a Motion for Criminal Sanctions. The Plaintiffs' witness was lying so badly, Judge Ronald tossed the case out of court without even needing to hear the Defense's case.

After that, the Defendant, (Now became the Plaintiff) sued for malicious prosecution. The Plaintiff (confused yet?) also posted the case on a blog. The Defendants went crazy and asked Judge Donald (King Donald) to hold the Plaintiff in Contempt for posting the information.

However, the Plaintiff cited North Carolina General Statute 7A-276.1, which bars the courts from entering orders which restrict publication or broadcast of testimony, evidence, argument, rulings, etc., that occur in open court. Such an order is declared by the statute to be void and of no effect, and no one may be held in contempt for violating it.

However, Judge Donald, decided, the law didn't actually apply to him or that "HIS" orders would be void and of no effect; and ruled in favor of the Defendants.

To provide some cover though, he invoked the power of the judge to control extra-judicial comments and issued a "gag" order on both parties, so as not to "presumably" effect the jury pool in the purportedly pending case.

In the lead up to the case, the Defendants filed numerous motions claiming that the Plaintiff was continuously breaching the gag order and actually asked Judge Donald to throw the Plaintiff in Jail! The Plaintiff informed Judge Donald that many of the internet posts had been posted years earlier, some by others following the case and some on blogs where the bloggers had lost interest in the blog and abandoned it, making removal of the posts, virtually impossible.

Judge Donald's response to this information? He angrily stated "You remove it all or you can figure out how to do it from a jail cell...! Yea, I know...crazy right? He either doesn't understand how the blogger sphere works or simply doesn't give a crap.

Not to go down without a fight, first the Plaintiff removed everything that he could, but then he filed a Motion to Assert Right of Access to public records. The strategy was simple. If the Plaintiff was saying this information was public record and the judge had no legal right to punish anyone for posting the information, BUT Judge D was saying it was not public information (actually he never said it one way or the other. He simply pretended not to hear the issue) then this statute would basically force the judge to hear evidence that the information was public record and rule accordingly. Pretty simple right?

The hearing was to be on a Monday in November 2009, I believe. The Plaintiff showed up with the evidence that all the information in question was public record. The Defendants showed up with a signed order from Judge Donald "Wellington Alowishus Beauregard"Stephens, the 3rd (not really his name. LOL) that said the Plaintiff already has access to the records in question and there was no need for a hearing on the matter. Cut. Print. File. Let's go to lunch; and shut that dog up!

Now if you are up on your Civil Law 101, you have already identified some troubling aspects of this situation. Number 1: When and How did King Donald meet with these guys to hear the motion, if the Plaintiff wasn't invited to the party? Meeting with one side without the other is ex parte communication and clearly in violation of the Canons of Judicial Conduct.

Number 2: Pursuant to § 1‑72.1. Procedure to assert right of access. The court (Judge D) shall (that's "shall" with a implicit "MUST" attached to it) cause notice of the hearing date and location to be posted at the courthouse where the hearing is scheduled. The court shall rule on the motion after consideration of such facts, legal authority, and argument as the movant and any other party to the action desire to present. The court shall issue a written ruling on the motion that shall contain a statement of reasons for the ruling sufficiently specific to permit appellate review.

However, in this case, the hearing was apparently held in the hallway of the courthouse, Judge Donald's chambers, his house or the Dunkin Donuts down the street! Either way, the Plaintiff was not present, and therefore had no opportunity to present facts, legal authority, or argument, as the statute mandates.

And Number 3: His one sentence ruling flies in the face of the statutory provision that his ruling contain a statement of reasons for the ruling "sufficiently specific to permit appellate review." The Plaintiff was found in Contempt for publishing these public records and immediately appealed the ruling. Take a guess who sits on the North Carolina Court of Appeals? That's right...you got it...Judge Linda Stephens, the queen at the side of King Donald.

Now, there is no evidence that Lady Linda influenced the ultimate dismissal of the appeal....that was left to her colleagues on the Court of Appeals, but it begs the question: If your life, your freedom or even your money is on the line, would you feel comfortable betting on the Stephens Dynasty for justice? We'd like to believe our judges are all sent down from a Frank Capra movie to do the right thing in the face of having to rule contrary to family, friends or political pressure, but we all kinda know that isn't true of most human beings. Most people just aren't that stoic.

So even without the constant verbal bashing of litigants, bullying of persons before him or as in this instance, a question as to if he willfully violated the law and the Canons of Judicial Conduct to help out one side over the other, can we afford to knight one man with such far-reaching power and simply assume a case that began in his twin brother's court, metastasized through his court and ultimately was decided by his wife's court, will absolutely be decided absent extra-judicial forces? I'll answer that for you...Hell No!

Oh, by the way... want to know what happened in the end? After the Court of Appeals dismissed the appeal on technical grounds (most appeals die this slow judicial death) the Defendants moved to have the Plaintiff jailed for publishing the records that he had no way of getting removed. The stage was set for a hearing that would determine if the Plaintiff would go to jail. (and the fallout afterwards...No standing on the courthouse steps with Barry Scheck, handing out verbal absolution for this guy...)

Then the Plaintiff realized that the Defendants had also violated the judge's order and posted even more egregious information about him, including his medical information. So he filed a motion to have them held in contempt also. The result? After thousands of dollars, hundreds of documents, several subpoenas, a few depositions and a dismissed appeal; when the parties met at the hearing, the Defendants asked the court to drop the whole thing and the court found the issues on both sides to be "moot." Not to be confused with "Moot Court".....well actually...strike that...it is. I guess the Defendants', and more importantly, the court's, outrage was decidedly diluted when faced with the double-sided blade on the sword of justice, that would not only cut the cotton pickers, but the cotton growers too!

Why is this important? If your neighbor kills his wife and dumps her body in your back yard, one would think "nice try...", but even elementary forensics and a judge paying even half attention to the case would interject common sense into the process and you would have nothing to worry about...right? Wrong!

Judge Donald Stephens, Judge Baddour...Jolly Jr. and a few others decide many of these issues when they see you walk into the courtroom. The legislature in North Carolina passes these basic protections for the people, but if a judge is willing to simply disregard the law, based upon race, class, position or legal representation; then the law means nothing.

After reading this article, mentally calculate the hubris it takes to simply disregard and violate a fundamental First Amendment based law in a case that arguably began as a simple review of an administrative hearing. Now consider the thousands of rape and murder cases that Judge Donald has ruled on.

Ask yourself, if the King would blatantly use his position to improperly support the litigants representing "the state" (that's another issue...stay tuned) when the stakes were no more serious than judicial review of an administrative hearing, what about the innocent defendants over the years, who, faced public outrage and a mob mentality need for swift justice for a rape, child abuse or murder, had to face the King, armed only with a public defender and that unfortunate black tint to his skin? How many of those people are sitting in prison right now?

Judge Stephens asked me once in open court, "If you think this is racism, this case was partly heard before Judge Stanback (Big Black retired judge), is he racist too?" Then he went on with a big smile as he exclaimed what a great judge Stanback was and how he was just one of the coolest people he's known over the years....yada, yada, yada....

Putting aside his obvious cliche "I'm not racist. Some of my best friends are black" example, he was shocked when I pointed out that "yes", Judge Stanback was racist also. If you read his appellate cases or sat in his courtroom, you find that Standback was rude, curt and dismissive to litigants and just like Judge Baddour, he frequently (always) came down harder on black and Hispanic litigants; and did so as a"tip of the hat" thanks to the old boys club. They are actually tougher, to deflect charges that they may be softer on black litigants. It's why President Obama, can't be seen at too many "black" events. "Count the number of photos you've seen of Obama with a majority of black people in the photo).

Judge Stephens was kinda shocked at my opinion of Stanback ( guess he had been using that "get out of Harlem" card for years) and he was even more shocked and amazed when I brought up that when he (Stephens) was presented with that study that showed his Wake County judges were setting higher bail for black defendants accused of the same crime as white defendants, his remedy was woefully inadequate. And he got absolutely pissed when I said "Take a look at the calendar call in Wake County Civil Court! With almost no exceptions, the attorneys in attendance are white...some female...but mostly white males. Is it that black attorneys are more inclined to represent petty criminal cases with much smaller paydays; or is it that they have discovered that in Wake County, if you have a black litigant or a black attorney...YOU-ARE-GONNA-LOSE!?" Stephens decided these comments being place on the record, might be better abandoned; and changed the subject. Pity. I was going to ask him how many times his good buddy and great colleague, Judge Stanback, had been to his home... I'll bet ya a meal at Golden Coral, it never happened!

They say a good lawyer knows the law....but a great lawyer knows the judge! In Wake County, there are very few truly "Super Lawyers." But there are lawyers who win every time because they get the case heard before the King! That's kinda super for their clients... Not so much for the rest of us.

When the Motion for Sanctions came before Judge Donald, to determine if Jack Nichols had stolen evidence from the courthouse file, he held the hearing, read the evidence, realized Nichols was guilty and quickly turned the case over to Judge Baddour. Now D is "THE" man in charge of the Wake County courthouse, but he didn't want to take ANY part of this issue because of WHO the accused was and more importantly, WHO the accuser was; and simply passed the ball to Baddour, who has no problem with pretending he didn't understand the issue...feigned confusion and dismissed it. Now the issue is before the State Bar. It will be interesting to see what THEY do with this political football. They know they attempt to protect Nichols at their own professional peril.

Judge Ronald has retired. Judge Donald, like tobacco in North Carolina, is still King. The 2012 judicial election cycle is upon us. The King may sweep to re-election as in years past. I mean, hell, he's got lawyer and politician money on his side. We only have his record and the truth. Yes, he may win re-election, but this time...Not under the radar! Stay tuned...


Thursday, December 8, 2011

Dog Whistle Racism On Today's Political Landscape

It was less than a generation ago when politicians rode the wave of overt racism into office and based their political staying power on their perceived harsh stance against the civil rights of "colored" people. Our state's own Jesse Helms was really good at it. We'd like to think we've moved away from that sort of thing, but if Helms were still here, it seems clear that he'd probably still be representing North Carolina. However racially enlightened we proclaim America to be, it is also clear that the GOP has been hijacked by the worst among us. The amazing thing, in a country that has elected it's first African American president, is the collective refusal to admit the raw covert racism that dominates our political discourse. When Jimmy Carter correctly called it racism; the press and the GOP went nuts. "What do you mean? We can't criticize Obama or we are called racist?" President Obama came out and downplayed the notion, less he give his racist critics like Rush Limbaugh and FOX News an additional avenue of attack against him. So we all have to pretend that racism hasn't simply taken over the political landscape. Consider Natalie Maines of the Dixie Chicks. She made a simple comment that she "was ashamed that President Bush was from Texas." The right wing nuts went crazy. She received death threats, people boycotted radio stations that played their music, people took their small children down to the town square to burn Dixie Chick records, etc. It was crazy; and when you asked them why, they all said the same thing; "She criticized the president at a time of war, on foreign soil, yada, yada yada. Flash forward to today and enter President Obama... Imagine if a black member of Congress had yelled out "You Lie!" during a Bush State of the Union Address. He'd never have been allowed back in the place. Imagine if a "Trump styled" idiot was demanding Bush's birth certificate. How many Nascar drivers would turn down an invitation to the Bush white house because of a "scheduling conflict" or how many of their peeps would boo Laura Bush? Newt Gingrich (his sister says it's pronounced "Gingrick") suggests that "really, really poor children" (dog whistle for "black") should replace unionized school janitors and get paid to clean the toilets. He goes on to say that they have no role models that know how to do the 9 to 5 thing and work for a living unless it "illegal" drug dealing, prostitution, etc. The racist GOP base are eating that crap up with a spoon. They live in a world that they see as "SEINFELD" and "FRIENDS" and but for those lazy, violent, do-nothing black people, life would be grand. Why doesn't he suggest that white middle class or rich children get a job helping to renovate foreclosed homes in their neighborhood; or that poor children be given a job on Wall Street to see how "real" money is made? This next election will be about contrasts. To some, it will be a battle of black against white, rich against poor, 1% against 99%, and good against evil. In an era when we are all pretending that this assault on voter access to the polls, attacks on organized labor, and record filibusters are not based on racist angst and dreams of putting that presidential "boy" back in his place; let's call it what it clearly is...racism! Elections have consequences, but if President Obama loses next year, it will affirm to many that if you don't like the result, you can simply stop everything in Congress, call the president illegitimate, destroy the economy and lie about the president for 4 years; and then try to fix what you've broken "after" you get your guy in there. We can only pray it doesn't work. Well, pray and also FIGHT THE BASTARDS! The funny thing about racism is it blinds you. Many racists would rather their daughter marry the white ex-con that beats her than the good upstanding black guy that loves and cherishes her. Unfortunately for the GOP, they aren't going to find a live boy or a dead hooker in President Obama's bed. It is a testament to how different both sides see the country, that both see Newt as an early present from Santa! Take a look at the GOP field. In President Obama, you're running against the most articulate, intelligent, and savvy politician in the country. That all you got?

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Judge Baddour: He's No Tortured Soul

Justice demands that "we the people" be represented by judges that often find themselves "tortured" in deciding the questions of law that arise in criminal cases. However, judges like Superior Court Judge Allen Baddour isn't one of those "To Kill a Mockingbird" judges, sent down from central casting. On Monday, November 28, 2011, Judge Baddour ruled that evidence about the murder of Abhijit Mahato can be introduced during the trial of Lawrence Lovette. Lovette is the defendant accused of first degree murder in the shooting death of Eve Carson. If you recognize the name of Eve Carson, but not Abhijit Mahato, you are not alone. Carson was beautiful, blond, female, American and white. Abhijit Mahato was neither. Ironically, the case of Mahato, who was murdered over a month and a half before Carson has not been tried yet and if his death is in the North Carolina consciousness at all these days, its because Baddour's ruling opens the door for the prosecution to establish a purported pattern against the defendant using evidence from the Mahato case. Under the law, for Baddour to allow the evidence from the Mahato "yet tried" case, he had to rule the cases were similar. To no one's surprise, if you have studied Baddour's rulings in cases involving non-white defendants (and plaintiffs), Baddour ruled the evidence can come in. The effect of his ruling is to prejudice and confuse the jury with a possible jury instruction like: "Now, the Defendant hasn't been convicted of the Mahato crime, so just put that connection out of your head, but both Mahato and Carson were college student (like the other 18.2 million each year)." Don't get us wrong. If Lovette is guilty, and it looks like he very well may be, he should be treated like a lame horse, but we can say that because we are spectators to the wheels of justice. Judges like Baddour do not have the luxury to decide someones fate like he's belly up to the bar with his peeps. In this trial the jury is the trier of fact; but as the judge purportedly concerned with issues of law, he consistently rules for the state (ruled the defense had no right to tipster evidence in this case) despite his clear constitutional mandate to do otherwise. In short, he's fueling his political and judicial rise with the kindling of people's civil liberties. Ironically, as Lunsford Long purportedly said of Baddour after he was appointed by former Governor Mike Easley, “he’s just a kid!” and that he had been appointed solely due to his father’s political influence as Director of Athletics for the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Now Baddour's dad "Big Dick Baddour" is out due to scandal, Easley is facing disbarment by the State Bar, and Judge Baddour sits on the bench having refused to pay over $7,000 in delinquent taxes. Oh yea, if you are reading this Mr. Lovette...your judge's daddy was the Director of Athletics for the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Want to take a guess what school the victim Eve Carson attended and was the Student Body President of? Nuff said. Many of us might wish Baddour was tortured when reaching his decisions, BUT HE AIN'T. Prediction: This case becomes an appellate attorney's dream!


The North Carolina Association of Educators is calling on shoppers to boycott stores owned by conservative powerbroker Art Pope this holiday season. The teachers are targeting stores in Pope's Variety Wholesalers retail chain, which includes Roses and Maxway, in response to what they call his "anti-public education" policies.

The flier announcing the boycott, which launched November 28, reads:

Conservative, anti-public school businessman Art Pope owns Variety Wholesalers, Inc., the umbrella company for the 8 stores listed. His profits fund anti-public education political candidates and supports anti-public education initiatives that include vouchers, reduced investment in public education, merit pay schemes, and the elimi- nation of professional development programs for educators.

Support the NCAE holiday season boycott.

I guess that is what passes for progress in race relations these days. Not so many years ago, if a black man was accused of sexual harassment and sexual assault of a white woman, he'd be dragged from his home and lynched. Enter 2011 and Herman Cain. The GOP was willing to call every woman that came forward with horrific tales of abuse, a gold-digging liar. His campaign coffers swelled and his support grew. It was only when a woman came forward and said she had a 13 year sexual affair with him, that his support dropped off and the "Cain Train" jumped the tracks and crashed. Some might say they dropped the old "How dare you disrespect a white woman" mantra, but still haven't let go of the "How dare you two race mix" firebrand. In the end, Cain had NO CHANCE of becoming the GOP choice to run for president. And make no mistake; his appeal among Republican primary voters wasn't his so-called 999 plan, his so-called heralded business experience or even his straight talk (ala Chris Christie). The GOP lead this idiot out like a drug dealer's pitbull, to snap at President Obama. They could tell the world "We're not racist. We just don't like Obama's policies. See? We support Herman Cain!" But in the end Cain helped to define the depths to which the GOP has sunk. We support President Obama. In fact, I'd take a bullet for the man. But if he came out and said "The people want a leader, not a reader! No, don't know the president of Ubeki, beki, beki, stan, stan...do you? China is trying to get the bomb! etc.," no thinking person could support him. The multiple women coming out of the woodwork were just the pieces of corn in this sh*t sandwich. The GOP has proven, it's not just ideology...these are not serious people; and in a world that is increasingly more serious and deadly, it is incumbent upon the American people to usher them off of the political landscape.