Sunday, November 6, 2011

When In Doubt: Follow The Money! Why is this man smiling? We think we Know!

As part of our investigation into Superior Court Judge Richard Allen Baddour, Jr. (Dick's son) we uncovered some questionable irregulaities in how he prosecuted his campaign. In February of 2006 the KEEP ALLEN BADDOUR SUPERIOR COURT JUDGE Campaign ceritified Sherrill Toler Murrell as it's Treasurer. In July of that year they filed a Financial Disclosure Report that listed as the Financial Institution [10 a.] SUNTRUST BANK. In October of 2007 Murrell left the campaign, presumbably to spend more time with her family (wink, wink, knod, knod) and Baddour appointed himself as Treasurer. Although the practice is allowed, it is generally not wise to do because of the time, effort and knowledge it takes to do it correctly without getting yourself a long prison term. And what do you know, Baddour screwed it up and was fined a penalty from the State Board of Elections for not filing his Semi Annual Report on time. They gave him a break and waived the $400 fine though! However, several documents filed by Candidate/Treasurer Baddour after he became Treasurer, listed as the Financial Institution [10a.]KEEP ALLEN BADDOUR SUPERIOR COURT JUDGE; and no longer SUNTRUST BANK. Therefore, at best Baddour screwed up the form by simply failing to mention the name of the bank, at worst he committed a serious election law violation by holding on to the cash and commingling it with his own. If this is what he did, he could be sitting in a cell right next to some of his victims...I mean Defendants. A Complaint has been filed with the North Carolina State Board of Elections.

§ 163-278.8. Detailed accounts to be kept by political treasurers.

(h) The treasurer shall maintain all moneys of the political committee in a bank account or bank accounts used exclusively by the political committee and shall not commingle those funds with any other moneys.

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